festivals & concerts

A central goal of nusica.org’s mission is to present live music: live music is the “true” way to experience music.
Our festivals also aim at valuing the places that host them and provide artists, organizers and fans an opportunity to share and discuss.

Since 2011 Sile Jazz has rediscovered the places bordering the Veneto river (even the less frequented ones) and introduces the public to some of the most original, innovative and creative soloists and composers of the contemporary music scene.

Jazz Area Metropolitana is a network that intends to unite different “actors” of the Veneto area in the name of culture, innovation and artistic experience. Jazz music and new live music in general are the trait d’union between the different pieces of the network.

22 September 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / Nicoletta Taricani / Auditorium di Pasian di Prato / Udine

21 September 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / Nicoletta Taricani / Arsenale Jazz House / Cividale (UD)

20 September 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / Nicoletta Taricani / Jazz Area Metropolitana / Noale (VE)

19 September 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / XYQuartet / Stanglerhof / Bolzano (Italy)

26 August 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / XYQuartet / Lagarina Jazz Festival / Trento (Italy)

22 August 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / XYQuartet / Jazz Al Castello / Porto San Giorgio (Italy)

20 August 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / XYDuo / Pedras et Sonus Jazz Festival / Mogoro (Italy)

28 July 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / Nicoletta Taricani / More Than Jazz / Pordenone

14 July 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / Nicoletta Taricani / Udin & Jazz / Udine

04 July 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / XYQuartet / Musei D’Estate / Treviso (Italy)

23 June 2024/ 9.00 p.m / Leonardo Barbierato Patterns for Transcendence / Sile Jazz / Quinto Di Treviso (Italy)

31 May 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / Nicoletta Taricani / Rassegna Remare INcontro / Udine (Italy)

19 May 2024 / 5.30 p.m. / XYQuartet / Jazz Paintings / Pinacoteca di Salerno / Salerno (Italy)

18 May 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / XYQuartet / Social Tennis Club / Cava Dei Tirreni – SA (Italy)

17 May 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / XYQuartet / Casa Del Jazz – Roma (Italy)

30 April 2024/ 10.00 p.m. / XYQuartet / Comala Community HubTorino Jazz Festival / Torino (Italy)

13 April 2024 / 6.00 p.m. / Nicoletta Taricani / Studi Rai FVG / Trieste (Italy)

12 April 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / Enrico Casarotto Trio / Caffè Caucigh / Udine (Italy)

15 March 2024 / 9.30 p.m. / XYQuartet / Conca Jazz – Conca D’Oro / Bassano Del Grappa – VI (Italy)

10 February 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / XYQuartet / Jazz@Theater  – Waiting Battiati Jazz Festival / Sant’Agata Li Battiati – CT (Italy)

16 January 2024 / 9.00 p.m. / Michele Bonifati EMONG / La Tenda / Modena (Italy)

10 December 2023 / 8 pm / Fazzini Fedrigo XY Duo / Hemsbach (Germany)

09 December 2023 / 8 p.m. / Fazzini Fedrigo XY Duo / Pumpwerk – Hockenheim (Germany)

19 October 2023 / 9 p.m. / XYQuartet / Trento (Italy)

09 October 2023 / Leonardo Barbierato patterns for transcendence / Cafè Des Arts – Torino (Italy)

06 October 2023 / Leonardo Barbierato patterns for transcendence / European Jazz Expo – Teatro Massimo – Cagliari (Italy)

20 September 2023 / 4 p.m / XYQuartet / Stranger Than Paranoia –Tilburg (Holland)

08 September 2023 / 4 p.m. / XYQuartet / Jazzwerkstatt – Peitz (Germany)

27 August 2023 / 5.30 p.m. / XYQuartet / Jazz U Vinogradu – Medimurje (Croatia)

26 August 2023 / Mirko Pedrotti Quintet / Lagarina Jazz Festival – Trento (Italy)

04 August 2023 / Mirko Pedrotti Quintet / Abbazie Jazz Festival – Cellino Attanasio (Italy)

18 July 2023 / Michele Bonifati Emong / Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival – Edimburgo (Scotland)

14 July 2023 / 6 p.m. / Michele Bonifati Emong / Ambria Jazz – Ambria (Italy)

08 July 2023 / 9 p.m. / XYQuartet – Strabordante / Tones Teatro Natura – Verbania (Italy)

07 July 2023 / XYQuartet / Trieste Loves Jazz – Trieste (Italy)

02 July 2023 / Michele Bonifati Emong / Getxo Jazz Festival – Bilbao (Spain)

25 June 2023 / Mirko Pedrotti Quintet / Sile Jazz – Treviso (Italy)

14 June 2023 / Michele Bonifati Emong / Medimax – Taranto (Italy)

09 June 2023 / 9 p.m. / Michele Bonifati Emong / Sile Jazz – Roncade (Italy)

02 June 2023 / 1.00 p.m. / Michele Bonifati Emong  /Novara Jazz – Novara (Italy)

30 May 2023 / 7.30 p.m. / Michele Bonifati Emong / Cuccagna Jazz Club – Milano (Italy)

28 May 2023 / 9.30 p.m. / Michele Bonifati Emong/ Monza Visionaria, Roseto della Villa Reale – Monza (Italy)

27 May 2023 / 09.30 p.m. / Michele Bonifati Emong / Monza Visionaria, Roseto della Villa Reale – Monza (Italy)

27 May 2023 / 5.30 p.m. / Michele Bonifati Emong / Piazza Verdi, Radio 3

26 May 2023 / 8 p.m. / XYQuartet / Jazz Time – Rijeka (Croatia)

25 May 2023/ 9 p.m / Michele Bonifati Emong / Winehouse Jazz Club – Napoli (Italy)

24 May 2023/ 7 p.m / Michele Bonifati Emong /Monza Visionaria, Biblioteca del Corrobiolo – Monza (Italy)

23 May 2023/ 7.30 p.m / Michele Bonifati Emong / Cuccagna Jazz Club – Milano (Italy)

28 April 2023/ Michele Bonifati Emong / Hall Tonin Harapi, Tirana (Albania)

14 April 2023 / 8 p.m. / XYQuartet / Rosetum Jazz Festival – Milano (Italy)

09 December 2022 / 7 pm / XYQuartet / Rigas Ritmi – Riga (Latvia)

08 December 2022 / 9 pm / Hyper+ / Circolo Nadir – Padua

04 December 2022 / 7.30 pm/ Ensemble CREI / Teatro del Parco Bissuola (Mestre)

24 November 2022 / 8 pm / XYQuartet / Ella & Louis – Mannheim (Germany)

22 November 2022 / 8 pm / XYQuartet / Salon De Jazz – Cologne (Germany)

21 November 2022 / 8 pm / XYQuartet / Jazz Kongress – Freiburg (Germany)

15 November 2022 / 9 p.m. / Itaca 4et / Roma Jazz Festival – Rome

12 November 2022 / 9 p.m. / ITACA 4et / Pisa Jazz – Pisa

11 November 2022 / 9 p.m. / ITACA 4et / Kulturforum Villach -Austria

10 November 2022 / ITACA 4et /Masterclass Conservatorio Tartini – Trieste

9 November 2022 / 8.15 p.m. / ITACA 4et / Thelonious Jazz Club – Trieste

15 October 2022 / 4.30 p.m. / Hyper+ / Italo-Moroccan Festival of Villa Margherita – Treviso

13 October 2022 / 9 pm / Hyper+ / Dieci10 – Bergamo

13 September 2022 / Hyper+ / Festival Mutamenti – Massa Carrara
